For as long as I can remember my mother has suffered with
bipolar depression. I was told in my youth that it was hereditary and that I had
a good chance of getting bipolar myself. I never thought much of this until I
started to show small signs of depression in my early twenties. It was never
enough to go to the doctor about until I had my first child and then it became
full out bipolar depression. My moods changed rapidly and my thoughts were
generally negative and my relationship with my husband was getting worse. The
doctor prescribed me antidepressants that didn’t do so much for my bipolar
depression. All I felt was the negative side effects these medications had. It
wasn’t until I heard about Truehope that I felt there were any answers out
there. I found out that bipolar depression was linked to a chemical imbalance in
the brain that is caused by a depletion of vitamins and minerals in your body
and that is why it hit me hard after my first child. I learned that the Truehope
supplement was a well balanced vitamin and mineral supplement that has had great
success with bipolar depression and I was willing to try anything other than my
drugs for the depression.
After about a month of taking the Truehope supplement I was
starting to feel quite a bit better, and I was well on my way to coming off the
drugs the doctor prescribed me for bipolar. My husband was baffled at how much
better I was getting on the Truehope supplement. In the whole time we had known
each other he had never seen me so happy and positive about life than what I was
now because of the Truehope supplements I was on. After a few more months the
Truehope support team helped me come off of all the antidepressant drugs I was
on. When I became pregnant for the second time the bipolar depression started to
come again. The Truehope support team encouraged me to up my daily intake of the
Truehope supplement and explained that the baby needed a lot of nutrients to
grow. I took there advice and after a few weeks I was myself again. I had a
healthy baby girl that I wouldn’t have been able to have if I were still on the
antidepressants. Now I know that my children won’t have to suffer with bipolar
depression as my mother and I did as long as there is the Truehope supplement.